10 Easy Tips to Breast Care To Stay Healthy and Beautiful

Posted by Annonimous

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10 Easy Tips to Breast Care To Stay Healthy and Beautiful

Having a beautiful and healthy body is the dream of every woman. A fairness if they do anything so they always look beautiful and healthy. To look beautiful, they go to the salon. To stay healthy, they go to the fitness center, gym or other places.

Physical beauty in general be the main thing for every woman. Can not be separated from it, they are sometimes very detailed if there issues that interfere with health.

In the modern era, as now, awareness of women's health will be slightly reduced. Only a very few health care. For various reasons they are not so concerned with his health. And health is important. Especially special attention to areas of the body prone to the occurrence of a disease. For instance breast.

Not a few women who do not understand the importance of maintaining the health and beauty of the breast. In fact, the breast is very important for women. Breast at risk of breast cancer if it is not well maintained. As we all know, breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world.

For it is better to start treatment early breast to prevent the risk of breast cancer.

About breast health, on this occasion I have some tips for you women, who want to stay healthy and beautiful breasts. Go see the 10 breast care tips with easy to stay healthy and beautiful below :

1. diligent exercise

Sport is important. Important for the health of the body, in order to smooth blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. At least, a time to exercise for about 45 minutes to 1 hour old routine every day. Besides being able to prevent the occurrence of dangerous diseases, by exercising you can improve immune function, lowering estrogen hormone levels, and reduce obesity. Better yet, if balanced with healthy foods 4 5 perfectly, such as vegetables, fruits, milk, and others.

2. Choose Bra As Needed

Bra worn it is important to determine the health and beauty of the breast. As much as possible, avoid the use of bra underwire. Because, as evidenced in the wire bra can stimulate the growth of harmful cells in the breast and the breast cancer cause. Use a bra that fits your needs. However, if your breasts are too big or down due to age, use underwire bra. If you are going to work out, wear clothing with a sports bra cup special. So that your movements are more flexible and convenient while performing various movements in sports.

3. Use the Size Bra Fitting

Fitting bra fit bust size can interfere with your activities day course. If the bra is too small, can cause the breast moist so that the onset of itching and red on the breast. If passed skin irritation can occur in the breast. We recommend using a bra that really suit your size.

4. Maintain Weight Loss

Maintain a stable weight that it needs. Because, if it is too over weight or too thin will interfere with your performance later. Ideal body weight, is generally very in every woman's desire. In addition, excessive weight will be susceptible to disease. Keep your weight by exercising regularly and eating foods that are high in nutrients but not fattening.

5. Avoid Stress

So faR, there has not been proven and tested that stress can trigger breast cancer. Breast cancer occurs due to the increase in hormones caused by stress experienced.

6. Reduce Drinking Alcohol

According to the research that has been tested, showed that every 2 glasses of alcohol can trigger the growth of breast cancer cells. Is the fact, that alcohol is not good for health. Therefore, drinking alcohol or cut back as much as possible to avoid and stop consuming alcohol.

Try alcohol is replaced with grapes and fruit juices. Why ? Because it proved that the grape skins containing resveratrol may help reduce estrogen levels that result in breast cancer. Or it could be drinking water that is even better for your health.

7. moisturizers

Like the skin of the hands and feet, breast skin moisturizer also need to prevent and reduce wrinkles due to dehydration. Special moisturizing cream breast called a bust.

8. wear Powder

Oil glands in the breast can trigger acne. For that, use talcum powder after showering tabor and avoid using a wet bra. Because, a lot of wet spots nesting tiny germs invisible to the naked eye.

9. Do not sleep on his stomach

The prone sleeping position may alter breast. Suggested was sleeping on his side and breast corrected by pillows or bolsters. It would be nice again, avoid the use bra while sleeping to facilitate the circulation of blood and breasts can breathe freely.

10. Breast Check

Perform breast self-examination is important, because to detect early signs of danger in the breast such as breast cancer. Currently, the government has launched a program intensively Breast Self-Check on the wider community. So that people can recognize early on about the state of her breasts.

Begin to check your breasts at least once every 3 years starting when approaching 20 years of age. For women aged 40 years and over and have a history of breast cancer derived, do regular inspections. If the examination by mammogram are still not enough , you can ask your doctor to perform a magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) or sonogram. You can also check through the breast Ultra Sono Graphy ( USG ), the method is more effective than mammography.

Your health begins with awareness of the importance of health. All of it stems from the self. For that, let's prevent breast cancer as early as possible by doing 10 simple tips breast care to stay healthy and beautiful on so as to reduce the mortality rate in the world women are caused by breast cancer. Hopefully the above information useful.