How to Take Care of Dry Skin Cracking Feet and Scaly

Posted by Annonimous

How to Take Care of Dry Skin Cracking Feet and Scaly

Dry skin, chapped and flaky on foot is very annoying and cause other problems such as flaky skin and painful cracks. Because the foot is not able to produce additional oil needed to keep the humidity, it is important to pay special attention to the feet while moisturizing the skin. Fortunately, there are many skin care products available that have been specifically formulated for dry feet.

Dry feet are caused by lack of moisture in the skin . There are some common factors that can cause dry feet , including too frequent bathing with hot water or due to aging . This article will help you with some tips to overcome the foot skin dry, chapped and flaky.

1 . Do not use excessive soap on foot , because soaps tend to dry the skin , and legs are at a disadvantage because basically our feet contains no oil glands . After a shower , pat dry feet with a soft towel . Make sure you dry your feet , including the soles of the feet. This will help prevent fungal infections . After drying the feet, do not forget to apply a moisturizer to the feet. Rub moisturizer into feet until absorbed .

2 . Do not rub or scratch your feet . Instead, try a cold compress to the area with ice itchy feet for a few minutes .

3 . Activities should avoid saunas and steam baths if possible .

4 . Wear shoes that are not too narrow that allows your feet to breathe . Avoid excessive sweating , change socks when it is dirty .

5 . Avoid consumption of alcohol and caffeine , as it may aggravate itching in the legs .

6 . Soak your feet in lemon juice for about ten minutes . Lemon juice is a mild acid that helps to remove dead skin and prevent dryness of the skin of the foot .

7 . Severe dry foot care should begin before sleep for maximum results . Moisturizing lotion containing alpha hydroxy acid is believed to help overcome dry skin and feet tend scaly . Apply lotion to the legs and feet and then cover with a clean cotton socks before you sleep . This allows the lotion to work while you are resting .

So a few simple tips to overcome kuilt feet dry , if the problem persists please do not hesitate to consult with a dermatologist .